#empath_c_counselling #onlinecounselling #videocounselling #coronavirus #onlinetherapy #counselling #psychotherapy #mentalhealth
In the past, if you thought about the prospect of having online counselling you might have been put off by the 'newness' of the concept, the prospect of having therapy via a live video connection may have felt alien to you. Now, in the present day, we are faced with the coronavirus (COVID-19) and having to operate social distancing and isolation. These changes that have happened to the world recently were unexpected, sudden, affecting every individual person on the planet. Everyone's unique lives, to some degree, will be unfortunately be affected by the virus outbreak. The impacts and effects on people are diverse and layered. Whether it be your own health, a person you love, friends and families health. Financial crisis, loss of income, new or increased mental health difficulties. The degree of the impact on your life could be different from others and that may feel, at times, like a lonely place to be. We all are experiencing physical social separation in this time of the coronavirus outbreak, and this degree of separation can feel isolating. Now, in these times, the internet is enabling us to stay connected to others. The theory of the 'Six Degrees of Separation' reminds us that we are all connected to each other socially on a scientific basis. Carl Jung's collective unconsciousness theory explains how we are all connected energetically. For example, collectively, now, we are all feeling fear type feelings about the coronavirus.

Video Counselling
Video counselling has been used by professionals for many years now (click here for the previous blog) there is a variety of free software available for therapists to use with their clients. Personally, I prefer to use VSee because of its security, encryption and ability to 'hold' the video connection even if the wifi suddenly dips or lessens in strength. For these benefits, VSee is widely seen as the number one choice of video platform with medical professionals and therapists alike.

Face-2-Face counselling will always have its place in regards to your choice of how you receive your therapy. For some, this understandable preference may feel like a block to you trying video counselling. For others, the physical distance of video counselling might feel appealing for you and perhaps help you be able to talk about any sensitive feelings. In the current climate, we are all being asked to work from home, to stay at home unless for vital supplies and medical treatment. This now leaves us with online counselling as one of the only sources of support through these challenging times. The benefits of video counselling currently, is that you are able to maintain social distancing whilst having your therapy sessions, you are in your own environment which could help you feel more comfortable talking to your counsellor, and it can be a cheaper option. I am currently running an offer on video counselling, click here for more information.
In conclusion, due to the current climate in the world and the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on our lives, we are being asked to have, and maintain, social distancing which is preventing people accessing traditional Face-2-Face counselling. In these times, the need for support with our mental health may have increased, which leaves the prospect of many individuals in need of counselling and/or other types of psychological support whilst being in their homes. Video counselling is an option for receiving support whilst being able to see and hear your therapist. For clients who had already been in therapy before social distancing was being asked for, the transition into Video Counselling (VC) with their therapist may feel less challenging. For people who haven't had counselling support before the idea of VC might feel daunting, my hope is that once you have made initial contact you will feel more assured.
How do you feel about having counselling online through a video connection?